
A Blooming Business is the Result of a Healthy Network

by | May 4, 2023 | Cyber Security, Other | 0 comments

A Blooming business is the result of a Healthy Network.  I would like to review a few tips to maintain a Healthy IT Network.  Here are some of the things that you can do to keep your network security intact and help prevent harm from outside threats.

1. Use Strong Passwords that cannot be easily compromised  Don’t share your passwords.  Use difficult to guess passwords. Do Not use personal information to include user name, names of family members, birthdays or your address.  Password protect all of your devices.

2. Be aware of Email Phishing Scams – Do not respond to email that is requesting personal information to include social security number, banking and IRS tax information.

3. Do not open unsolicited emails with an attachment. If you cannot verify the authenticity of the email, it is safer to delete it.

4. Avoid using or downloading unknown software – Free Software may be tempting but it can also have malware that can corrupt not only your computer but the entire network.

5. Use Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). MFA is a multi-step login process that requires users to enter more information than only one password.  For example, along with the password, users may be asked to enter a code that has been sent to their email or a text to their cell phone.  A second form of identification can help prevent unauthorized account access if your password has been compromised.  I use Multi-Factor Authentication on my work computer and my personal computer.  This is my opinion, but I believe using MFA and the extra security it provides is well worth the few seconds it takes for the second verification.

6. Encryption– If a laptop is lost or stolen and the files or disk are not encrypted, a thief can easily access the information, so it is good practice to encrypt your sensitive data.

7. Use Antivirus Software. Modern antivirus software is capable of detecting, blocking, removing viruses, malware and ransomware.  It can also warn about dangerous websites and links before you click on the site.

If you have any questions regarding your Network, please contact us at 915-587-7902 or info@esei.com.    

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